Zayden Cole’s COVID-19 Procedures

COVID-19 has impacted the entire world and changed the way many of us do business. It is now more important than ever that we look after one another to keep those we all hold closest to us safe. Everyone at Zayden Cole, including our vendors and partners, will be following strict protective measures to limit the spread of disease while still creating a truly breathtaking event worth remembering by all in attendance.

How are we doing this?

Using environmentally friendly sanitizer on all furniture & décor before delivery

Training all staff on how to properly wear & handle their personal protective equipment

Ensuring all staff wear their personal protective equipment when working with our clients in person and social distancing when possible

Checking staff temperature daily & providing proper facilities for hand washing

As Public Health guidelines change we will update policies accordingly


Ontario’s Re-Opening Framework


We look forward to Ontario loosening up restrictions on indoor and outdoor gatherings in 2021. If you are not sure whether you will be able to have your event, please see scheme below to see what the event restrictions are per zone colour. Further information regarding the Re-Opening Strategy and framework put together by the Government of Ontario can be found in link below.

Zayden Cole - Event Restrictions per Zone -jpg.png